6-University Human Assets Promotion Program for Innovative Education and Research (6U-HAPPIER)
In the context of Competition and Cooperation among universities
- Human assets promotion and mobility, as regards:
- Research
- Education
- Management
- Cooperation with Industry etc.
- Knowledge Sharing among all Members
- Promoting Mutual Support for Joint Growth among all Members
Faculty Exchange
Faculty Exchange among Nagoya
University, Osaka University and Tokyo Tech started in 2005. The
opportunity for exchange has now been extended to every member
institution of 6U-HAPPIER, as set forth in the 6-U Agreement ratified
on 19 May 2017 by the Engineering Deans of each school.
Details are explained in Japanese
ACE (Academic Career Enhancement) Initiatives
6U-HAPPIER conducts Academic Career Enhancement Initiatives for
education, research and management. Faculty Development programs in
the member universities are shared among 6U faculty members.
ACE Innitiatives on education and research include stand-alone
workshops (like the ones by Prof. Roderick Smith) and sessions in
international workshops/forums (like UKJ-EEL and Taiwan-Japan
ACE Management initiatives are experimentally conducted at Hokkaido University and Osaka University with Tokyo Tech Designated Professor Y. Kagohashi as a leader.
- School of Engineering, Hokkaido U.
- Seven sessions were held in AY2017 and 10 people attended. Themes include laboratory management, implementation of university technology in the real world.
- School of Engineering Science, Osaka U.
- Six sessions were held in AY2017 and 7 people attended. Themes focus on industry-academia collaborations.
Newspaper Report
Activities of 6U-HAPPIER was reported in a Japanese newspaper Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun on 13 May 2019.
Upcoming Events
Because of COVID-19 our events are suspended.
Past Events
November 2019 Innovative Teaching Workshop
Prof. Rod Smith of Imperical College London is invited again this year to conduct Innovative Teaching Workshops in 3 places as follows;
- Tuesday, 5 November at S518 Lecture Room, South 5 Building, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Wednesday, 6 November at Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University
- Friday, 8 November at Aobayama Campus, Tohoku University
The 7th UK-Japan Engineering Education League Workshop was held on 5-7 September 2019 at Queen Mary University of London. Thirteen faculty members from 6U-HAPPIER took part.
Executive Board Meeting
The first 6U-HAPPIER Executive Board Meeting in this academic year was held in Hiroshima on 24 May 2019 to discuss on this year's activities. We 6U-HAPPIER welcomed School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, and School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University as our new members.
The 3rd Japan-Taiwan International Engineering Forum
The 3rd Japan-Taiwan International Engineering Forum was held at Tokyo Tech from 27 February to 1 March 2019. The theme was "Innovative International Collaborative Research with Industries Driven by Young Researchers in Japan and Taiwan". Read a report in Japanese.
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